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管理学院学生参加ICSSE 2012、ICIII 2012国际会议宣读并发表论文成果

为贯彻落实我校人才培养模式改革创新精神,管理学院以本科生导师制为驱动,以学生自主发展课堂为平台,积极探索专业人才培养模式改革的新方式。在2012年小学期和暑假期间,姜赢老师依托自己的研究课题,开设“政治敏感信息调研”、“中文信息校正研究”两门专业素质拓展课程,悉心指导学生学术研究,经过长达4个月的学术攻关,学生共撰写全英文学术论文近20篇,发表国际会议论文8篇(4篇已被EI索引)。学院共出资4万余元,先后资助8人次参加ICSSE 2012、ICIII 2012国际学术会议,并在国际会议上代表管理学院宣读论文成果。


[1] Dimensional Ontology Based Fuzzy Knowledge Modeling of Biological Adjustment Network. In Proceedings of ICSSE 2012.

[2] Semantic Content Repository Plugin for Supporting Arbitrary Data Translation and Management. In Proceedings of ICSSE 2012.

[3] The Design of Ruby RDF API for Evolutionary Informatics. In Proceedings of ICSSE 2012.

[4] A Rule Based Chinese Spelling and Grammar Detection System Utility. In Proceedings of ICSSE 2012.

[5] Towards Applying Dimensions to Ontology. In Proceedings of ICIII 2012.

[6] Cross Sentence Oriented Complicated Chinese Grammar Proofreading Method and Practice. In Proceedings of ICIII 2012.

[7] XML Rule Based Detection of False Friends of Chinese and English. In Proceedings of ICIII 2012.

[8] The Construction of Chinese Grammar Proofreading XML Rule Library. In Proceedings of ICIII 2012.


  • 王芳杰、刘小飞、王君悦、王承晖参加2012年系统科学与工程国际会议(International Conference on System Science and Engineering,ICSSE 2012),并在大 会上宣读论文。

  • 周子程、赵威、曾晓红、申英晓参加2012第五届信息管理、创新管理与工业工程国际学术会议(2012 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering,ICIII 2012),并在大会上宣读论文。

